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  • Gata - the most common Armenian national pastry dough, which has several regional varieties, differing proportions of the main components, the nature of mixing and filling, and other details of the technology.

    Gato prepare more of the sponge and dough test, it is a lot of butter, puff pastry is done.

    Preparation consists of several operations.

    Preparation of dough. Connect the yeast, flour, water (warm milk) - the latter at 35 ° C - and a 2 hour set for aging.

    Dough. Connect the sugar, vanilla, milk, salt in that order. Add to the brew, stir, add flour and knead the dough for 10 minutes, then put it on half an hour in a wa ... Read more »
    Views: 96940 | Added by: Armenia | Date: 27.09.2010 | Comments (45)

    Hush - one of the oldest Armenian dishes, have spread throughout the Caucasus.
    Since ancient times the custom has hash completely separate from all other foods, and early in the morning for breakfast or even breakfast, on festive days.

    A set of products:
    1,5 kg beef feet, 500 g of scars o 2-3 garlic cloves, 1 radish.

    1. Legs singe, scrape, rinse several times, cut into pieces lengthwise and put on a day or running water, or pour cold water and change it every 2-3 hours then wash again, shifting in enameled pan, add water enough to cover foot layer of 15-20 cm, and cook on low heat.

    2. Scars clean, rinse, cover with cold water and cook until the disappearance of a specific odor (as determined by the breakdown), then pour the broth, and the scars rinse with hot and cold water, chop finely and add to the ... Read more »
    Views: 117316 | Added by: Armenia | Date: 27.09.2010 | Comments (78)

    Armenian cuisine - one of the oldest cuisines in Asia and the oldest in the Caucasus. Its characteristic features are formed, at least a millennium before Christ during the formation of the Armenian people, and remain largely over three thousand years before the present day. One must bear in mind that the Armenian people until the Great October Revolution and the establishment of Soviet Armenia was in very poor conditions, deprived of its statehood, territorial unity.

    The fact is that the situation in the VI. BC. Oe. Armenian state already in II, in. BC. Oe. divided into western and eastern parts of the test and was initially dependent on the Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Arabs, and since VII. Mr. Oe. for several centuries been subjected to alien conquests, including Arabic, Mongolian, Turkish and Iranian. From XVII to the beginning of XIX century. Armenia was divided between Turkey and ... Read more »
    Views: 16731 | Added by: Armenia | Date: 27.09.2010 | Comments (2)